Diamondback Exotic Weapon Farm Boost

Here you can buy Diamondback Exotic Rifle Weapon Farm Boost to get new Diamondback Exotic Rifle farmed for your Division 2 character guaranteed

Service Includes

  • You will get Diamondback Exotic Lever-Action Rifle Weapon
  • You will get lots of High-End Gear equipment during the boost


  • The Division 2 Game on PC, XBOX or PSN.
  • Login Details (Email and Password).
  • 40 Level Character. Don't have one yet? Check our Division 2 Character Leveling Boost.
  • Estimated delivery time is up to 12 hours, available only when Expeditions are up.


What is Diamondback Lever-Action Rifle and why you need to buy this Division 2 Exotic Weapon farm boost carry

Division 2 Exotics are a higher tier than High-End, which makes them some of the best guns in game. They are all unique named weapons and you get them through complicated tasks, such as plenty of grind and prayers to the god of random loot drop. Exotic weapons have been termed weapons which have unique abilities delegated to them Which is exactly what makes them essential for the endgame content. Despite having a general excellent stat line, Exotic Weapons could be hard to acquire. Aside from the bonus exotic weapons which arrive with special editions, you'll have to scour the map to discover the blueprints in order to craft these weapons.

The Diamondback exotic is the first exotic lever-action rifle with a cool snake look which was added in game with Title Update 5. In order to get Diamondback, you need to complete all three of the Division 2 Kenly College Expeditions: a new type of mission added to the Division 2 with Title Update 5. The Division 2’s Diamondback exotic rifle has a five-round magazine, fires at 100 RPM, and has three talents:

  • Agonizing Bite: Diamondback randomly marks an enemy. Hitting that enemy consumes the mark, guaranteeing a critical hit with damage amplified by 20%. A new random enemy is marked afterwards and whenever you reload.


Diamondback Exotic Rifle